Cuenod Research & Development

To constantly improve its products, CUENOD is committed to develop innovative technological solutions allowing to optimize the running of the installations, to ease professional’s work, and naturally to preserve the environment.

  • Simplify your work: the AGP® and GEM® systems reduce the commissioning time, the RTC® and MDE2® systems simplify maintenance and service.
  • Improve the running of your installations: RHP® system guarantees an excellent adaptation to all applications. Variatron® and Quick Start® systems improve the efficiency of your industrial processes. 
  • Protect the environment: the management of air and gas mixing is entrusted to AGP® and GEM® systems that offer high and constant efficiency, while Variatron® system is constantly generating electric energy savings and guarantees acoustic comfort. IME®, RGC®, Diamond Head® and Free Flame® systems reduce the combustion impact on the environment.